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+ 西門町電影公園 / Transformer Urban Show Case

西門町電影公園 / Transformer Urban Show Case

Location : Taipei, Taiwan / 台北市
Area : 150 m²
Design Team : Jill Yang, Paul Chiang, H. W. Chen / 楊珮珩 江易書 陳鴻文
Type : Installation Art & Exhibition / 裝置藝術&展覽
Status : 2010
Photographs : K. M. Lee

位於西門町的電影主題公園內,一座兩層樓高,宛如變壓器一般的外形,四面Urban Screens可投射出大型多媒體的公共藝術裝置「都市藝術方塊」,是建築師沈中怡特別為電影公園量身打造。他以「轉換(Transform)」概念出發,衍生出「Transformer變壓器」的構想,期望整個公共裝置就像變壓器一樣,能夠將文化、藝術活動的能量電流,透過整個變壓器的轉化從公園的心臟注入動力Energy,進而散布至整個公園,延伸帶動整個區域。


外部機能上,除了外觀的造型設計外,更賦予足夠的機能性,四個面向以Urban Screens的概念,設置四個戶外多媒體,直接地對外傳播訊息。沈中怡表示電影的實虛影像其實投射的是你我與影像之間的關係。故藉由這四個面向的Urban Screens都市觀景窗,投影出西門町環境影像,引發共鳴的市民對都市記憶。而未來亦可作為多用途的商業使用。一樓的室內空間則為小型的靜態展示空間,可結合外立面的播放題材,進行靜態的展示。

Inside the West Gate Movie Theme Park, there stands a monstrous object resembling an electric transformer. Its total height is second stories and projects exhibition images. The design idea came from an actual electrical transformer. It is imaged that the piece will make the aging park change from old to new, by pumping artistic energy into the old community.

The site was formerly used by the Gas Company during the colonial period. It was situated at the rim of Taipei’s West Gate region. Before the “transformer” was built here, it was a lonely and highly deserted park. There already stands many facilities here yet activity has been missing due to the lack of a main theme at the site. We hope the rising of the new art piece will provide more interesting attraction.

“Transformer” inside the park is not a “non-functional” art piece. It offers screens for public and commercial media uses. Projected images on the four “Urban Screens” provide impressions of the local past and project memories of the city. A shielded spared interior space offers a small art gallery for the local community.

The city is the venue where citizens’ collective memories are formed. Movies and images on urban screens in the park carry the most familiar impressions of local folks – how they eat, walk, entertain on a daily basis. The truest fragment of life warmly weaves people to the site and the tourists can submerge in an impression that belongs to the particular site.