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+ 故宮南院願景館 / National Palace Museum Southern Branch, Exhibition Building

故宮南院願景館 / National Palace Museum Southern Branch, Exhibition Building

Location : Chia-yi County, Taiwan / 嘉義縣
Area : 3386 m²
Type : Museum / 展覽
Status : Completed 2005
Photographs : K. M. Lee




A pre-exhibition building for the currently under-construction National Palace Museum’s South Branch functions as a visitor’s center along with providing space for promotional activities. Chung-yei Sheng uniquely designed this building to represent the landscape, aligning the building to run tangent with the natural unevenness of the ground. Sheng achieves this natural shape by “cutting” and “pulling” the original shape of the building material to parallel that of the landscape’s. The grass extends from the ground to the roof of the building, as if the building is one with the landscape, hidden underground. Visitors can view the Museum from the roof. This asymmetrical form creates an interior space with varying ceiling heights, allowing Sheng to make specifications for differing spaces according to their future spatial function.